AAA Minor League Ballpark,
Harrisburg, PA
A Chapel For Valley Forge
Park Valley Forge, PA
An Inn for Swarthmore College,
in Swarthmore, PA
A Storefront for Tower Record,
South Philadelphia, PA
Center City Skyscraper,
Philadelphia, PA
Cresheim Valley College of the
Arts, (Urban Design Project) in Philadelphia, PA
Senior Citizen Housing for the
University of Arizona, NV
Senior Citizen Housing at
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Visitor's Center in Chestnut
Hill, Philadelphia, PA
commercial profiles were designed by the owner while attending
Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA.
102 * Somerset Court, PA * 19446
Voice: (215) 361-2073 * Fax: (215) 361-0908
Toll-Free: (877) 566-5064